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Saturday 3 May 2014

How to winning the hearts of people

How to winning the hearts of people
Professor Ram Lakhan Meena, Central University of Rajasthan,Ajmer, INDIA

A charismatic personality has the essential qualities of winning the hearts of people. This goes in all ventures in life whether professional or personal. When it comes to performance and that too in an age of information, the bar is high on the ability to communicate. With increasing seamless integration brought in by technology, the pressure to effectively go about a work profile becomes more demanding. Here the accentuation is on written as well as verbal communication. Public speaking opportunities stem right from the play school of a child and the quality gets high as we mount the ladder of professional success. Verbal communication can be cultivated and most of us have the ability to social create an impression with formal interaction. It is important to build a rapport with friends, colleagues and also initialize topics so that this builds our own confidence.
Formal speeches in corporate structure have to be precise and also concise. There should be a clean flow of thought which should be clutter less. The crispness can be brought in by formulating points and power point presentations are commonly used during business presentations. Expressing freely also means overcoming fear which is the result of a constant endeavor to practice well. Observation is also the main way to gain knowledge. Though all of us are talented in many spheres, multi tasking is still a virtue in today’s competitive environment. One has to adhere to the rules of decorum that is expected while speaking and also hyphenate errors with immediate corrections. The audience has to be gauged well in advance and the speech has to well written so that there is no problem while delivering the message. Often mistakes are the basic ways to learning. It is important to observe, learn and not repeat mistakes. Rehearsing well is the chief idea in case the topic is not familiar. Determination and updating knowledge is also good for confidence.
The art of eloquence is a gifted talent. There are various public speaking techniques which occur as we expose ourselves to a gamut of interactions but the most important quality is to muster confidence. Rehearsals may seem important if we are not internally gifted with the quality to wax eloquent. Like all other talents, public speaking also develops into an activity which is unique and denotes a personal style. To develop confidence homework is essential before putting up a presentation. A few virtues are essential to master the art of public speaking. Few of us have the inner talent but a constant endeavor is important to upkeep the confidence. Faltering on the podium can be well conquered with a bit of poise. Poise during speech is essential to portray the much required positive image. Several styles can be adopted by watching peers. Ultimately it becomes a personal style which emerges as a unique talent.  Many noted elocutionists are also not able to control their animation habits. Though expressions are important to stress on a particular aspect it is very important to control excessive facial expressions or movement of hands. A relaxed body language is very important and this has to be practiced well in advance. Most times we are conscious about the image we portray and hence it is important to gather our confidence and speak with confidence.
Poor dressing is a sure downer when it comes to public speaking. The speaker can be on stage, on a formal decorum or one-among-the audience. People surely watch the dressing and body style of the person as this also contributes to the conviction in the message given in the speech. To support this aspect, dressing aptly and comfortably is important. Venues also indicate formal or semi formal dressing. The statements made during the speech can be assertive but care has to be taken to control over confidence which can intimidate people.
The public speaking speech has to be emphatic. Going by general standards the speaker is usually informed of the crowd, their expectations and the topic to be discussed. Rendition is based on developing confidence by gaining the positive response of the people. Expression is an oratory skill that comes with the flow of words. For a difficult topic, research is very much essential. Facts, years, quantity and percentages add value to any kind of speech. The articulation has to be matter of fact and justified. Public speaking topics are several. The topic for a politician can be comments on the various projects that are half finished and convincing the people about more social amenities. Here facts through figures register a better impact. The speaker should also add a touch of humor to ease out the mundane topic of promising and seeking the votes of the audience. Topics for public speaking for college elocution can range from ecology, evolution of jazz music, career as a DJ and also the postulation of geometry. Extempore speaking is a skill and many are blessed with this talent. For a person who is well read speaking comes very easily. Jotting points before a Group discussion and presentation may seem necessary but constantly flustering with chits on the stage is quite a downer. For an official decorum, the topics of speech during the annual general meeting are pre fixed by the management. In case of media coverage, there is a lot of hard work in writing the speech, rehearsing and editing excess vocabulary. The topic must be relevant and not sound totally off the tangent to the existing scene. Though it is fine to deviate via a sentence bringing back the underlying message through good words is very important. Interesting topics can also be the farewell speech, felicitating a chief guest, wedding reception speech and an informal address at school by a coach or at the school PTA.
Effectively speaking in public means winning the vote of the audience. Verbal communication has to be effective. The essential part about a conversation is to register effectiveness. The art of public speaking is truly a gift by itself but for those who would love to develop this creativity they can join reputed classes that coach people to speak well. Communication is vital for existence whether business or personal life. The point of discussion is often countered with objections and hence a good verbal command over the language is very important. For speaking effectively, the language has to be fully mastered. This relates to verbal skills, perfection of grammar and proper pronunciation. Accents have to be neutralized as it is important to have clarity in the process. Clarity of thought, penning the correct sentences, using rhetorical questions are some basic skills to start off a conversation. Firstly it is important to know the language well. The grammatical errors have toe be erased and overcome with proper practice. There are several public speaking classes who guide you and correct you about your shortcomings. Like all talents this has to be nurtured, including newer vocabulary and styles that form a trend.
Using a good body language is very important. Addressing the audience is more about maintaining eye contact and involving the interest of the public at large. Formal dress codes have to maintained and as indicated by the invite. In case it is an informal gathering, like a teacher addressing a rally of students, it is important to use the right tone, convey the message and conclude on a positive note. In case the matter has to be supported with materials like books, charts, resumes, or drawings then it is important to gather all of materials together and align the presentation so no confusion is met internally for the speaker and also the audience maintains the concentration.Whenever we embark on a project our knowledge skills initiative is very important. A few tips on public speaking are usually self learnt while making mistakes whereas there are other cardinal rules that we observe or value as a listener. Voice modulation is important for improving public speaking. It is important to understand the volume control on the mike and also other acoustic tones that the mike usually catches. Facial expressions during a formal occasion can be maintained in a very formal style.
There are different styles, tones, language, humor or traits required as per the decorum. In case it is informal friend’s bachelor’s party then there is a high requirement of loads of humor. The essential part of any speech is keeping the interest of the audience high and hence the speaker must understand the real reason of the occasion. It is fine to occasionally deviate or ask opinions from the public but this has to be dealt carefully. Inflexions of speech are another area of improvement. There are British and American accent to choose from. But prior to that any vernacular accent has to be erased. All is not possible in a day and hence it is important to go slow on the various aspects of improvement. The seniority of the person at times is a great advantage but the speaker should always include areas which the people are able to comprehend. In case of use of technical jargons it is important to associate simple language or elaborate the situation. Matter of fact subjects have to be indicated with poise and control. Obituaries, negative news require high quotient of emotional intelligence which the audience appreciations. These speeches have to be drafted with sensitivity and yet there is a lot of scope to exercise control while delivering them. Practice surely is another feature and reading aloud also helps to improve the language skills.
Skills are usually latent in each person. Even if one is talented in a particular area, it is important to go in for different styles of speaking to increase the skill. In case you wish to go in for a public speaking course then choose one that is convenient to your time. Investing quality time is important while learning something new. Rehearsing is also an important concept of public speaking. Exponents in the field usually go in for jotting points in a chit and then express their views or message articulately. In case of a management presentation or a launch there is an elaborate need to support the presentation with relevant facts. The power point presentation can also be made interesting with animation and colors to break the monotony. Skills can also be improved by improving hearing skills. Having a clear mind and focus is very important as a part of public speaking skills. In case it’s an open forum where others are allowed to express their views, then the speaker must practice a lot of self restraint. This relates to understanding the audience and also preparing to put rest to their apprehensions. The speaker must also have a powerful personality so that others are able to comprehend and accept the views. At any given situation preparing to speak is important. There may be occasions of casual nature where one is able to say a few words but this is a practiced effort. Sincere speaking is also necessary. Maintaining eye contact and an easy body language is a very important part of public speaking skills. To create an impression, it is also important to update knowledge and also get into unfamiliar waters as these add on to the current experience. Conveying the message effectively would primarily mean ascertaining the knowledge level of the audience. There must be win-win expression as contradictions can be solved in subsequent interactions or a special agenda.
Communication is vital for expression and receiving feedback. This is the pace for any business and also required for normal routine functioning. The public speaking training program is scheduled by experts who will guide you on also formulating presentation skills, writing a speech, expression and correct the subtle mistakes which all of us follow unawares. There are certain pronunciations that need to be corrected even if we have mastery over the language. A lisp is many times a matter of habit which has gone uncorrected in the long run and hence habitual preferences can be erased completely. There are therapies that coach a person to overcome the lisp and speak a particular pronunciation. Often this is self corrective and more of mind than matter. The person with a lisp usually avoids a conversation but effectively communicating verbally is also essential for success. Speech classes are done in a professional way to boost the confidence of the person. It is to be understood that great many orators also have this problem and yet stay in the celebrity limelight. The usual problem is inflexions and when the sounds ‘S’ or ‘th’ has to be uttered. This is noticed in childhood but vernacular mediums at times do not encourage any kind of correction. The person must speak aloud and try short sentences for starters. In case it is noticeable in small children the child can be enrolled in a class and it is also necessary for the parent to do homework sessions. The lessons are effective and simple. Being conscious of a lisp is fine but there is no age to learn something correct. Practicing in front of the mirror and neutralizing vernacular accent in speech is essential. Natural shyness exhibited during public speaking is just a matter of overcoming the same. Improving vocabulary, concentrating on phonics and reducing distractions is also imperative to overcome the lisp.
Gumption is often the result of confidence and sincerity. While facing a crowd it is natural to be overwhelmed. But it is essential to positively partake in the session while communicating. Inhibitions about the crowd have to be overcome. Firstly it is better to write down the speech in correct English and read out the same in front of the mirror. The correct body language is very important while rendering the subject. Any distractions from the crowd must be met with a positive frame of mind. In case the crowd is not receptive then weaning from the subject and requesting their attention is also a necessary point. The public speaking lesson plan conducted by various schools gives us an idea about how actually the sessions happen. There are mock rounds where ones credibility or confidence is tested. Many people have a basic trait of having a low self esteem which is either part of the personality or resorted as a defense mechanism. This has a negative impact on growth and in an age of communication this has to be totally overcome. Social interaction is very much important and allows you to socialize in positive company. This aids the confidence part and also interaction makes us more knowledgeable. Rehearsing the speech is vital before you go on the podium. Oratory skills can be cultivated by watching videos and also live speeches by eminent people. Scripted speeches are delivered with the correct pronunciation and accentuation on certain words which remain the key message to be delivered in the matter. In case you falter or mispronounce a word, correcting may be necessary to avoid confusion and yet moving on to the next para is important.  Allowing the crowd to settle and the audio arrangement to perfect is important before beginning the speech. There are several constructive therapies for those who face the phobia of crowd but an ounce of determination does much good.
Cultivating social skills is important to erase the phobia of public behavior. People who are introvert in nature can also go in for public speaking lesson plans or personality development classes that enroll students of all ages. The fear of public speaking is more of the mind and it is important to gather skills that enhance confidence. Usually any kind of interaction initiates response or opinion and this actually makes it important for a person to overcome the shortcomings.
·         Firstly to counter the fear of meeting people is necessary. Widening social circle is important too as the exchange mutually benefits the social standing. It is also important to take an initiative at PR skills and also cement long standing associations. It is important to address people of whatever cadre with respect. This is the primary step that improves our confidence level and later speaking on the podium will not be difficult.
·         Secondly it is important to notice people who speak well. Peers and colleagues certainly express presentation skills via power point projections or general opinions during meetings. Watching news or other influential people on television is also another way to imitate skills. Watch for facial expressions, minimal hand gestures and a good body language. Regular practice will give you a unique style.
·         Thirdly it is essential to inculcate a habit of reading. News reading, papers, magazines will increase you vocabulary and certain traits that become as a trend. Personality is very important and looks can be enhanced effectively with proper grooming. The attire during public speaking should be comfy and apt as per the guidelines. Corporate sessions need to have mellow colors whereas a party time makes it necessary for you to gel with the crowd.
·         Fourthly, Practice before the mirror to stand well and also speak the word aloud. Stammer and lisp can be therapeutically corrected. Much can be done with a good body language and deep knowledge about the subject through research.
·         Fifthly, Public speaking opportunities are many. At times it calls for a sudden volunteering during a rally or managing a crowd. Speaking articulately means sending a message across and actually making a statement. To learn public speaking in Mumbai one can do a few enquires on the best course available. Ideally it would be fine to club personality development along with the same in case you have the time. Most of the skills are developed by also adapting to latest styles in speaking.
The foremost important thing about public speaking is to be precise about the topic. The points have to be jotted after detail research work which has to be authentic in all standards. While using numbers like years, percentages or value it is important to clearly indicate and the research has to be based on recent findings. The audience generally is well aware about census and projections and hence it is wise to stick to actuals.  In case the audience is young like a college group or coaching class then the tone must be informative though too much of educative tone will not be received well. It is important to gel with the crowd; in case the group lacks knowledge then hand outs or supplements will be necessary to initialize them to the topic. The audience is usually a good listener and hence the speech must be well worded.  Thank you speeches should be brief and not lengthy. The audience is actually extending their support through their presence and hearing skills and hence a brief acknowledgement of the same will be readily accepted. In case the audience consists of senior management group, then groundwork has to be done with more care. Homework’s will always be necessary during any kind of speech and hence it is good to practice well before any formal address.  A formal introduction done with eye contact and pleasing voice modulation is the best way to strike the right chord with an unknown audience. There are different facets of expression. Public speaking is an art of expressing a point, suggestion or also a medium of gentle persuasion. The motive is to give something to the discerning audience so that they can imbibe the skills in the speech. For the same, the timing of speech with relevant facts is highly important. In case the audience is hearing the methodology for the first time, then it becomes necessary to support the speech with pictures or supports. The art of expression can be a talent or there is much scope for improvement through observation.
Expressing the right way means to get down to the level of the audience. In case there are seniors in the group then the right kind of salutation and expression is important. Corporate expressions also relate to jargons but over doing the same will result in confusion. It is also ok to write down the speech so that there is no confusion. Exponents usually prefer the point form where they have their own ability to expand on a topic.  Convincing the audience should not be primary motive but for start session it is more important to win their interest. Too much of vocabulary to a less known audience will take their interest away. Body language has to be friendly, acceptable and agreeable. This is one way to initiate and maintain the interest of the public at large. It is very important to arrange the podium or table in a non-clutter way. This facilitates easy flow of thought and fresh ideas will invoke more interest.  While delivering a speech it is important to appear confident and hide all inhibitions. For the first timers this seems difficult but with practice one can easily master the process with innovative skills that will make the speaker more assertive. The most important point is to upkeep the knowledge level and makes the presentation interesting with animation or diagrams. Homework’s are essential for any kind of presentation. A bit of research, identification and improvements works wonders to effectively communicate and win the confidence of people. Preparation means primarily have a clean thought process. Confidence can be mustered by focusing on the qualities required for delivering a speech. It is important to gauge the knowledge level of the audience and tailor the speech to suit the understanding of the audience.  A neat dress sense depends on the color, cut and must suit the personality or seniority of the person. The preparation is very much related to the research that has to be done as per the demand. In case the occasion is a family gathering for e.g. a homecoming or family ceremony then it is possible to include humor into the speech. For the same, it is essential to practice and also use words that are meaningful and convey the situation.  Speaking is also about effectively communicating a good body language. Any kind of nervousness can be cleared by concentrating or staying focused on the agenda. In case supports are used then it is important to arrange the chronology or presentation. Most times the presentation techniques are standardized but a bit of clipping or animation will add flavor to the set up. The audience or the listener must benefit from this mingling.  Going on stage means connecting with the audience. An initial excitement is felt by all people while addressing a crowd. Firstly mental makeup is important to erase the crowd phobia. In case you are a lecturer it is important to be assertive in the right way. Trying to forcefully win attention will not to conducive to healthy learning. There are many styles that can be followed in rendition but ultimately the flow should be lucid and evoke interest.
Knowledge and researched information is very important to draw a speech. The sentences should be grammatically free and apt to the context of the topic underlined. Every speech or an essay has a central meaning which is supported with passages or other explanations. In order to create an impression it is very important to have the thoughts focused and avoid distractions. The crowd may be imaginative, expressive or disinterested by the speaker must possess the ability to work hard on garnering attention. There are few general guidelines that everybody follows on stage. Firstly the appearance has to be immaculate. In case it’s a casual show then the person must adapt to the dress code as mentioned in the invite. Go for coordinated wears be it a formal suit on an Indian ethnic wear. Saris too seem formal in subtle hues for formal occasions. Makeup and hairstyles should be neat and also suit the formal attitude.
Another important tip is to maintain the central theme all along the rendition. It is fine to use humor or anecdotes but again weaning away from the topic will not be healthy. The audience at all times must keep the interest high and this is possible only with a dedicated effort that usually is followed with discipline. Public speaking courses are tailored well to suit the personality of the student.
All of us feel a certain nervous energy while being on centre stage or when asked to express ourselves. These can be radiated with positive image and converted the energy that is nervous into enthusiasm. Simple vocabulary will also be an asset but at the same time a good language with grammatical perfection is essential.
Improvement is felt continuously as the mastery over any talent comes with experience. Use of diagrams, supports, actuals or animation is also an effective method of communication. Continually improving skills are learning a new craft is necessary to go on with the competition faced to be successful. It is important to assess your own self while speaking and also have a keen interest in learning new ways to improve your talent.  Poor appearance is one of the downers when it comes to ascertaining a personality. This is not about good looks but the need to look presentable is very important. Dressing in a coordinated manner, a neat haircut, confident body language and an immaculate appearance does well to the self esteem and improves confidence. This also one way to impress the crowd a pleasing personality is essential to convey a forceful message.

Voice modulation is very important. One needs to adopt a natural voice and modulate the same as per the decorum. There are different types of voices like authoritative, tutorial and also expressive. The tone must convey the message and able to connect with the audience. It is also important to understand the language skills of the audience and adopt a simple style of rendering. Dictions are also available and one can enroll in classes to learn more about the same. Neutralizing accents on the mother tongue is also vital. Homework is essential and also eminent personalities do their rehearsals before going on stage. In an age of transparency, information is valid and the public in a democratic room has more knowledge about various things. Hence it is important to write, edit and phrase the sentences so that it is not read but delivered. The ultimate thing is that it has to be accepted by the public or at least impress them to activate interest. Losing focus is usually done when there is lack of confidence. Add humor or losing the flow especially during extempore speeches is a bad sign of public speaking. It is fine to use a paragraph out of sequence but the biggest ability is to register the message with the audience. In case the audience is new their expectations get high and hence losing focus renders any speech ineffective.

Pretending or copying the style of a peer, colleague or celebrity is certainly not recommended. This is usually done with an accent, body language or particular tone in speaking. Sincere efforts are surely rewarded while speaking in public.

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