Professor Ram Lakhan Meena
Professor Ram Lakhan Meena
This is referred to as the
alphabetic principle. Phonemic awareness paves the way for children to
understand the alphabetic principle and print system and phonics, making
phonemic awareness a strong predictor of later reading
achievement. Children who “demonstrate phonemic awareness in the
beginning stages of learning to read are less likely to develop later reading
problems” (Vogt & Shearer, 2011). Phonemic awareness consists of a
series of activities with varying levels of difficulty, shown in the Fig.1
above. Phonics is the relationship between sounds of spoken language and
the letters in written words. Readers use their knowledge of the
relationship between spoken words and written letters to decode words as they
read. Phonics knowledge is a precursor and strong predictor or reading
proficiency (Vogt & Shearer, 2011).
Research has shown that
struggling readers rely more on context clues than proficient readers because
they have poor decoding skills (Snow, Burns, & Griffin, 1998).
Therefore, explicit phonics instruction and decoding practice should be
included during reading instruction when teaching beginning readers.
Research has shown that children actively construct phonics knowledge from both
instructional and independent experimentation in order to understand phonics
concepts (Dahl, Scharer, Lawson, & Grogan, 1999). Phonics instruction
plays a key role in helping students comprehend text. It helps the student map
sounds onto spellings, while allows them to decode words. Decoding words
efficiently increases reading fluency, which in turn improves reading
comprehension. Students no longer spend all their energy on decoding, and can
concentrate on making meaning from text. (Blevins, N.D.)
1) develop the alphabetic principle
2) develop phonological
3) provide a thorough
grounding in the letters
4) provide sufficient practice
in reading words (in isolation, in stories, and writing own words)
5) NOT teach rules, use
worksheets, dominate instruction, or be boring lead to
automatic word recognition5
During the development of
language among typically developing children, the phonological and
communicative acquirements precede and thus prepare the child with the process
of language acquisition. Infants are not only responsive towards speech but
they are also skilled at making speech discrimination, right at the infancy
stage. By 4-6 months a child begins to babble until the first words arrive at
1-1.6 years. Babbling appears to lead the child into words. Before words
appear, children seem to have already acquired some communicative skills,
generally requesting and asserting skills (Bruner, 1975; Bates, 1976).
Consequently, the first words are produced between 10-15 months of age. These
are hard to distinguish from the ‘protowords’. These words may be context
bound, situation-specific or function-specific and referential (Hoff, 2009).
Among initial words, the noun meanings are much consistent to verb meanings
(Gertner & Boroditsky, 2001). Language development is a process starting
early in human life. Infants start without language, yet by 4 months of age,
babies discriminate speech sounds and engage in babbling. The goal for many
researchers who study language development is perhaps less grandiose than discovering
how the mind works, but is more immediate. Success in modern industrialized
society depends on good verbal skills and acquiring the verbal skills that
society requires is problematic for some children (Hoff, 2009).
Phonological development
refers to the acquisition of speech sound form and function within the language
system (Mandel, Jusczyk & Pisoni, 1995). The acquisition of various speech
sounds is intricately connected to the child’s overall growth in language
(Bauman-Waengler, 2004). The speech sound development refers, primarily, to the
gradual articulatory mastery of speech sound forms within a given language. The
child’s language development is commonly divided into pre-linguistic behavior,
vocalizations prior to the first true words and linguistic development, which
starts with the appearance of these first words. Error patterns (sometimes
referred to as phonological processes) are a measure frequently used to
describe a child’s phonological system.
Originating in Natural
Phonology (Stampe, 1969) and widely adopted in the field of child phonology
(Ingram, 1986), phonological processes are defined as a set of mental
operations that change or omit phonological units as the result of the natural
limitations and capacities of human vocal production and perception (Burt, Holm
& Dodd, 1999). From shortly after birth to around one year, a typically
developing infant starts to make speech sounds. At around two months, the baby
will engage in cooing which is followed by babbling at around four months. In
this 0-8 months range, the child is engaged in vocal play of vegetative sounds,
laughing, and cooing. Once the child hits the 8-12 month range the child
engages in canonical babbling this jargon babbling with intonational contours
the language being taught (Owens, 2012).
From 12-24 months, babies
can recognize the correct pronunciation of familiar words. Babies will also use
phonological strategies to simplify word pronunciation. By 24-30 months
awareness of rhyme emerges as well as rising intonation. By 36-60 months,
phonological awareness continues to improve as well as pronunciation. By 6–10
years, children can master syllable stress patterns which helps distinguish
slight differences between similar words (Eva, 2011). Moreover, another
important issue appears to be the development of Prosodic Words. This appears
to be depending on the distribution of word and foot structures found in the
target language. Recent research by Ram Lakhan Meena (2007) has also examined
the development of syllable structures. The research indicated that coda
consonants are more likely to be produced in stressed and final syllables, both
of which exhibit increased duration, suggesting that this facilitates the
articulation of more segments.
Another research has
focused on the acquisition of word-final clusters, raising questions about the
competing contributions of frequency, morphology, and structural/sonority/articulatory
factors in predicting the course of cluster acquisition across languages (Ram
Lakhan Meena, 2007). Recent studies that focus on the similar area of phonology
acquisition deal with the relationship between perception and production (Yajana
Mishra, 2007). Infant speech perception suggests that segmental inventories and
knowledge about phonetic and prosodic structure is largely acquired in the
absence of a lexicon. In fact, it needs to be acquired before lexical learning
can even start, as it guides word segmentation. However, research in child
production has argued that children gradually build up a system of phonological
contrasts, phonotactics and prosodic structure. Ram Lakhan Meena & Yojana
Mishra (2010) revealed that Phonological contrasts and Phonotactics which
develop at early stages, guide the word segmentation and all other lexical
feature development in future.
There is increasing
evidence that bilingual children are able to separate their languages from the
earliest stages of language production, but very little data come from
phonological acquisition studies. Ram Lakhan Meena (1998) investigated the
lexical forms and speech sound production of a child learning Norwegian and
English bilingually from birth. To acquire the native language, a child must do
two things; learn the words of the language and extract the relevant
phonological characteristics of those words. Some lines of investigation
concentrate exclusively on how the words of the language are acquired and
investigated the importance of the link between lexical and phonological
acquisition and by applying cognitive models of spoken word processing to
Lexical and phonological variables that have been shown to influence
perception and production across the lifespan are considered relative to their
potential role in learning by preschool children. The model appears to offer
insights into the complex interaction between the lexicon and phonology and may
be useful for clinical diagnosis and treatment of children with language
delays. Sound Acquisition Children’s speech sound development can be analyzed
in two ways: phonetic versus phonemic acquisition. The term ‘phonetic’ refers
to speech sound production (articulatory/motor skills). The term ‘phonemic’
refers to speech sound use (functions/behavior/organization of the speech sound
system). Most previous research has conducted phonemic analyses on consonants.
In a phonemic approach, children’s production of sounds in word contexts are
usually examined in terms of degree of production accuracy and the percentage
of children of an age group who reached the level of accuracy in phoneme

The resemblance may reflect
use of the same criteria. The differences in age of acquisition of some sounds,
however, could reflect a difference in the two tests in the complexity of
target words (Ingram, Christensen, Veach & Webster, 1980). Syllable length,
together with familiarity of the lexical items, may have affected phoneme
production. Ingram et al. (1980) found that accuracy of word-initial fricatives
is reduced in words with greater syllable length while Badar (2002) found that
phoneme production consistency also tends to deteriorate with increasing
syllable complexity. This factor may also account, in part, for differences in
the reported age of acquisition in different studies. Prather et al. (1975)
consistently found earlier age of acquisition for the same sounds than other
This may reflect the
inclusion of a lower age group of children in their study. Smit et al. (1990)
were the only ones to include children who were receiving intervention for
articulation in the cohort in an effort to more closely represent the
population on which to base norms. Their criteria for determining age of
acquisition are unclear. They used a 90% accuracy level (i.e., correct
production of a sound against the number of attempts to produce a target sound)
when deciding the age of acquisition. However, they do not specify the
percentage of each age group required to be able to use the sound correctly to
assign age of acquisition.
Despite differences in their
sample size, elicitation methods, criteria used in the analysis and findings,
these studies have consensus on the status of some sounds. As shown in table 1,
children tend to acquire /m, n, p, b, w/ earlier than other sounds while /h,
th, s, z, dz, / seem to be among the last group of sounds they acquire. This is
consistent with findings of some studies using a distinctive feature approach.
The results revealed that phonological skills developed with age and thus older
children had more accurate speech and fewer error patterns in their speech.
Moreover, the analyses of gender differences during the study revealed that
girls displayed higher levels of phonological accuracy compared to boys.
Also, children from higher
socio-economic families had superior phonological skills than their peers from
lower socioeconomic families. Research in Indian Context, In the Indian
contexts, and limited studies are noted in the area of language development in
Hindi speaking children. Within the area of Speech-Language Pathology, the
topics that have drawn the interest of Indian researchers over the past few
decades include the acquisition of language in children, and the disorders of
language in children and in adults (Ram Lakhan Meena, 1998). These studies are
documentaries in nature and are aimed at determining the level of normality of
language development. The area of language disorders has witnessed sporadic
attempts at test construction and standardization (Ram Lakhan Meena, 1998).
It has been noted that work in the areas of
language acquisition, has been conducted in collaboration with linguists.
Aspects of acquisition on phonology and syntax in languages have been
documented. These studies have generally described the acquisition of some
aspects of phonology, morphology or syntax in a few children in the age range
of 2 to 6 years. A few more comprehensive studies of language acquisition both
cross sectional and longitudinal have been undertaken by people from allied
disciplines. Within the area of child language acquisition, the effects of
bilingualism, and development of a pragmatic model of language acquisition have
been attempted. There has been an attempt at providing a language developmental
index, by looking at responses of children to certain language tasks, based on
Gessel’s model (Bevli, 1983).
This study mainly reports
on lack of stimulation in rural areas in preschool years and hence less able
functioning compared to urban children. Most of these studies have attempted to
focus on the available syntactic knowledge of children at the time of the
study. To conclude, it is evident from the above literature that most of the
research in the area of language analysis and characteristics is carried out
through dissertations and unpublished research papers. Thus, it is very important
to carry out detailed linguistic analyses on a large scale in order to develop
formal data to be used in future for clinical purposes. Hindi Language Spoken
in Northern Parts of India Hindi, or more precisely Modern Standard Hindi, is a
standardized and Sanskritised register of the Hindustani language (Hindi-Urdu).
Hindustani is the native language of people living in Delhi, Haryana, Western
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, north-eastern Madhya Pradesh, and parts of eastern
Rajasthan, and Hindi is one of the official languages of India.
Hindi is the largest
language in the world by speakers. Hindi is a direct descendant of Sanskrit
through Prakrit and Apabhramsha. It has been influenced and enriched by
Dravidian, Turkish, Farsi, Arabic, Portugese and English. In poetry and songs,
it can convey emotions using simple and gentle words. It can also be used for
exact and rational reasoning. More than 210 million people in India regard
Hindi as their mother tongue. Another 300 million use it as second language.
People who identify as native speakers of Hindi include not only speakers of
Standard Hindi, but also many speakers of Hindi languages family, who consider
their speech to be a dialect of Hindi. In the 2001 Indian census, 258 million
people in India reported Hindi to be their native language; as of 2009, the
best figure Ethnologue could find for speakers of actual Hindustani Hindi
(effectively Khariboli dialect less Urdu) was a 1991 figure of 180 million.
The Constitution of India
has effectively instituted the usage of Hindi and English as the two languages
of communication for the Union Government. Most government documentation is
prepared in three languages: English, Hindi, and the primary official language
of the local state, if it is not Hindi or English. As evident from above
information, among the above studies very limited phonological data is
available on children speaking in Hindi language. Hence, it is difficult to visualize
and describe language acquisition among the Hindi-speaking typically developing
children. It is essential that systematic, observational and experimental study
of language acquisition in children in these Hindi speaking children needs to
be conducted for developing both assessments and intervention programmes.
The trends of research in the
field of speech and language development, assessment and intervention have
focused on confirming deviance or disorder from comparison with typically
developing population and in the recent years the relationship between language
performance on phonological awareness, Morphology and pragmatic development.
Thereby, the present study focuses on developing a data on phonological
development in Hindi-speaking typically developing children and thus tries to
improvise the language analysis data among this group of children. Aim of the
Study present study aims to obtain extensive language data in Hindi-speaking
typically developing children with the objectives of:
1) Analyzing the phonological development across children among four age
groups; 4-4.5years, 4.5-5 years, 5-5.5 years, and 5.5-6 years
2) A comparison of phonological processes among the children belonging to
above groups. Methodology The study envisaged obtaining a audio-video taped
conversational sample with typically developing children and subjecting the
language data to analysis.
The analyses are planned at
phonetic and phonological levels. Subjects Twenty typically developing children
participated in the present study. These children were native speakers of
Hindi, within the age range of 4 years to 6 years. They attended a normal
school and had no history of speech, language and hearing problems. These
children were further grouped into 4 subgroups of 6 monthly age range; five
children each in age levels of 4-4.5years, 4.5-5 years, 5- 5.5 years, and 5.5-6
years Data Collection and Analysis Following the guidelines of IPTTH on sample
collection, a series of toys and pictures were used. Interaction of
clinician-child and parent-child during play for about 25 to 30 minutes was
done. Only one child was interacted at a time. Initial 20 minute of spontaneous
speech elicitation or free conversation and final 10 minutes of elicited
responses for prompted situations, with topics not related to immediate
Each of the utterance of
the Therapist (T) and Pupil/subject (P) was transcribed verbatim, within few
hours of recording on the same day. Each of the sentence was written down on a
separate line and marked as either T’s or P’s utterance appropriately. The
clues provided during the recording session were also written down during
transcription. The transcribed data was then be checked twice by the
investigator for accuracy, when in doubt another qualified speech-language
pathologist rechecked the transcription. The sample thus obtained was scanned
to cover phoneme development as well as presence of phonological processes for
all the groups. Hindi vowels and consonants were selected from an established
test in Hindi, Lingustic Profile Test (Ram Lakhan Meena, 1998). ‘Phonetic
expression’ consists of 52 target sounds for evaluation in different word
positions, initial and medial.
The target sounds selected
for phonetic analysis corresponds to the description of Hindi phonology. In all
10 vowels, 2 diphthongs and 21 consonants in different positions were selected.
The presence or absence of these phonemes was checked. In case of articulation
errors, the words were analyzed for phoneme substitution, omission, distortion
or addition. Also, presence of phonological processes was noted and described
in detail during the analyses. Results comparisons of presence and absence of
phonemes have been made within and across the four age groups. The results for
all the groups are clearly indicated in the tables, as follows:
Across Group Comparison, it
is noted that phoneme development across various age groups takes place in the
following manner:
1) Stops: a) Bilabial stops as well as Velar stops
(both voiceless and voiced) develop completely within 4 years of age in all the
word positions. b)
2) Alveolar stops: In 4-4.5years the
alveolar stops develop only in 53.3% of children and that too only in initial
position. In the remaining children, these sounds develop completely only after
4.5 years of age.
3) Palatal Affricates: In 4-4.5 years, the
voiceless palatal affricates develop only in 60% of children, mainly in initial
and final position. The occurrence of these sounds increases to all positions
with 93.3% of children producing these sounds. Then, the development of these
sounds completes in all positions by 5 years of age. The voiced palatal
affricates are present in about 73.3% of children within 4-4.5 years of age,
mainly in initial position. Slowly, by 4.5years, these sounds start developing
in final position too though development in medial position is limited for
about 93.3% of children. Like the voiceless sounds the voiced palatal
affricates also complete the development by 5 years of age.
4) Fricatives: a) Labio-dental fricatives
(LDF); The voiceless LDF develop in all the word positions by 4 years itself.
However, the voiced LDF develop in initial and final position in only 40% of
the children by4 years of age. In the rest 60% of the children, these sounds
develop only after 4.5years, in all the word positions. b) Inter-dental
fricatives (IDF); The voiceless as well as voiced IDF develop by 4 years of age.
c) Alveolar fricatives (AF); The development of voiceless AFs just begins at 4
years and completely only after 5.5years in all the word positions. However,
the voiced AFs begin to occur only by about 5 years of age and complete its
development only after 6 years. d) Palatal fricatives (PF); the voice PF begins
to develop only after 4.5years of age and completes its development by 5.5
years in all the positions. e) Velar Fricatives (VF); the voiceless VF
completes its development by 4.5 years of age. However, the voice VF starts to
develop only after 6 years of age.
5) Nasal: All the nasal sounds, mainly bilabial and
alveolar nasals develop within 4 years of age. The velar nasals begin to
develop a little later in about 5 years and are generally substituted by
alveolar nasals till 6 years.
6) Liquids: a) Alveolar laterals (AL); completes its
development within 4 years in all the positions. b) Alveolar flap (AF); starts
to develop only after 5 years of age and continues to develop beyond 6years c)
Alveolar trill (AT); Starts to develop only after 4.5 years of age and its
development completes by about 5-5.5 years d) Palatal retroflex (PR); Begins to
develop only after 5 years and continues its development even after 6years of
7) Semi-vowels: Bilabial Semi-vowels (BSV) and Palatal Semi-vowels (PSV); Starts to
develop only after 4years of age and completely by 4.5years
8) Aspirated Sounds: Aspirated Bilabial Stops
(ABS); Both voiced and voiceless develop by 4 years of age. b) Aspirated
Inter-dental fricatives (AIDF); Both voiced and voiceless AIDF begin to develop
by 4.5years and completes its development by 5.5 years c) Aspirated Alveolar
Stop (AAS); Both voiced and voiceless AAS begin to develop by 4.5years and
completes its development by 5.5 years d) Aspirated Velar stop (AVS); Both
voiced and voiceless begin to develop by 4 years and complete by 5.5years in
all positions e) Aspirated Palatal affricates (APA): Both voiced and voiceless
begin to develop by 4.5 years and complete by 5.5years in all positions.
Within Group Comparison
Sounds which complete their development at all positions by 4 years of age are:
1). Bilabial stops, 2). Velar Stops, 3). Voiceless Labio-dental Fricatives, 4).
Inter-dental Fricatives, 5). Voiceless Velar fricatives, 6). Bilabial nasal, 7). Alveolar Nasal, 8). Lateral Alveolar
Liquids, and 9). Aspirated Bilateral
Stops Sounds which develop within 4-6 years of age are: 1) Alveolar Stops 2)
Palatal Affrivates 3) Voiced Labio-dental Fricatives 4) Voiceless Alveolar
Fricatives 5) Palatal Fricative 6) Semi-vowels (Bilabial and Palatal) 7) All
other Aspirated Sounds By 6 years, all the children complete their phonological
repertoire with all sounds present adequately in all the word positions, except
for voiced Alveolar Fricatives, voiced Velar Fricatives, velar nasals, alveolar
flap and palatal retroflex. As per Table 4, it is noted that major vowel
development completes by the age of 4 years.
The across group comparison
shows that a few long vowels (/o:/, /e/) as well as complex diphthongs (/iu/,
/ua:n/, /ai/) remain substituted by simpler form until 5years of age after
which the development completes. Discussion the conversational samples of
twenty typically developing Hindi-speaking children, aged between 4.0 and 6.0
years, were analyzed to obtain normative data. The main aspect of speech
development that was considered is the age of acquisition of sounds (phonetic
acquisition) It was hypothesized that phonological skills would develop with
age. The results supported this hypothesis. Older children had more accurate
production and fewer error patterns were evident in their speech. No gender
differences were found in both younger and older age groups. It was noted in
the results that children’s speech becomes more accurate as they get older.
They articulate more sounds
correctly and use fewer error patterns. Analyzing performance in six monthly
age bands Ram Lakhan Meena (1998) revealed a gradual progression of speech
accuracy. Significant differences were identified between groups of children
aged 4.0-4.5 years; 4.5-5.0 years; 5.0-5.5 years and 5.5–6.0 years. Differences
were found between the four age groups on the Mean Scores of phonemes acquired
and Percentage of children using the phonemes accurately. The percentage of
consonants and sounds that the children produced correctly was noted along with
the position (initial, medial and final) in which various sounds were produced
accurately. Ram Lakhan Meena (1998) also revealed that the accuracy of sounds
increased with age. The two younger groups differed from the two older groups
on the percentage of sounds they produced correctly. Ceiling effects were noted
which means that the two older age groups did not differ much on sound
accuracy. Moreover, it is noted that the acquisition of vowels gets completed
by the age of four.
However, few long vowels
(/o:/, /e/) as well as complex diphthongs (/iu/, /ua:n/, /ai/) continued to
develop until the age of five. Therefore the simple vowels are not assessed
explicitly in most normative studies (Ram Lakhan Meena, 1998). However, James
(2001) argued that the acquisition of vowels continues after the age of three. Meena
(1998) found that children mastered vowels in stressed syllables by 3 years of
age but did not master vowels in unstressed syllables until they were 4–5-years
old. Further research is required to describe how normally developing children
acquire vowels and the effects of context on accuracy. The sequence of sound
acquisition reported in this study was consistent with previous studies: /m, n,
p, b, d, w/ were among the first sounds acquired while /r, h, th/ were the last
sounds acquired.
The age of acquisition for
sounds was similar to Smit, et al. (1990) with two exceptions /v, s/. The
earlier age of acquisition for /v/ and /s/ reported in this study was
comparable to the ages reported by Prather et. al. (1975) and Dodd
(2003). Earlier ages of acquisition may be due to different criteria used in analyzed
sounds in word initial and final position. They used a 90% accuracy criterion
(child had to produce the sound accurately at least 90% of the time) but it is
unclear what proportion of children in an age band had to have 90% accuracy for
an age of acquisition to be assigned to a sound. The current study implemented
a phonetic approach, similar to Dodd (2003).
The assessors included a
sound in a child’s inventory if it was produced spontaneously or in imitation.
Phonetic acquisition would be expected to occur prior to phonemic mastery. When
children are first exposed to a word they may imitate it correctly (e.g., kos,
koś & koƒ) once the word is a
lexical item they may then go on to use a system-level sound substitution
(e.g., kos is pronounced /s)-hn/. Phonetic acquisition of /ƒ/ has occurred but
not phonemic mastery. Also, errors decreased with age, this finding is
consistent with 90 per cent of the assessed children over 6 years of age had
error-free speech. The results of this study are consistent with as they
reported that the majority of error patterns resolved rapidly between 2.5 and
4.0 years.
Ram Lakhan Meena (1998)
further revealed that the Clinical Implications Results of his investigation
have significant implications for the assessment of developmental speech
disorders among Hindi-speaking group of Indian population. Approximately 6% of
the preschool / school population is referred to speech and language therapy
because of concerns about their speech skills. Speech and language therapists
are required to assess and decide whether a child’s speech skills are
developing normally. It is essential that reliable and representative normative
data is available to make clinical decisions. The normative data reported in
this paper was based on a large representative sample. It included all children
to reflect the true population and avoid over-identification of speech
difficulties (i.e., children whose speech skills are at the bottom end of the
normal range).
No previous studies meet
the essential criteria and no other assessments available in India provide
recent normative data on Hindi language. Speech and language therapists can use
this information to assess speech sound acquisition (phonetic inventory),
accuracy (linked to intelligibility), and whether the path of speech
development is typical. Effective clinical decisions should be based on the
assessment of multiple aspects of a child’s speech sound development.
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