Dear Researcher,
Invitation for publication of Research
Papers in ISSN: 2454-4388 (Print)
BHASHIKI: Quarterly International
Refereed Research Journal of Language, Applied Linguistics, Media, Translation
and Literary Analysis.
The BHASHIKI: Quarterly International
Refreed Research Journal of Language, Applied Linguistics, Media, Translation
and Literary Analysis is a peer-reviewed
journal, published by Siddhi Vinayak Publication [The unit of Gramin Vikas
Samiti Manoli registered NGO under society act 1960].
We are indexed with Scientific Indexing
Services (SIS), Universal Impact Factor (UIF), Directory of Research Journals
Indexing (DRJI) , Academic Resource Index and many more International
and National indexing are in process. The
journal publishes research papers in the fields of Language, Dialect-geography of Indian-languages and its
Grammatical aspect, Various Aspect of Linguistics, Applied Linguistics,
Media-studies, Translation-studies, Cultural-studies, Comparative-literature,
Book-review and Literary Criticism, Literary-analysis and other relevant subjects.
The journal is published in bilingual
format with printed and it is available online for authors. The journal is
available only on print edition and the current issue can be viewed
online. Emphasis is given to papers that address controversial topics and
which have a sound theoretical base and/or practical applications. All papers
submitted should be original contributions and not under consideration for
publication elsewhere.
We have listed the topics
that fall under the very scope of the journal for the ease of our authors:
Kindly submit us your manuscripts
by attaching them into e-mails and send to or We
normally take a week for getting an article reviewed. We do not take any charge for
an article for publishing it in BHASHIKI Quarterly International Refreed Research
Journal of Language, Applied Linguistics, Media, Translation and Literary
Professor Dr. Ram Lakhan Meena